Phpstorm 2018

Early Access ProgramNewsNewsletter

Apple 10.14 download. PhpStorm 2018.3 Release Notes. Skip to end of metadata. Created by EAP Poster on Nov 22, 2018; Go to start of metadata. No subsystem: Bug: WI-42695: Silent.config. PhpStorm OSX performance: October 2018 PhpStorm has had performance issues on OSX for a very long time now, sometimes to the point of being unusable. I've written about these issues before, but it's good to keep a regularly updated list of what's going on. 3、phpstorm执行文件同级目录找到phpstorm.exe.vmoptions,phpstorm64.exe.vmoptions文件并编辑(两个文件可同时添加,也可根据系统需求自己选择相应文件) 在文件末尾追加代码,引入JetbrainsCrack.jar文件: -javaagent:D:Program FilesJetBrainsPhpStorm 2018.1binJetbrainsCrack.jar.


PhpStorm 2018.1.6 build 181.5281.35 is now available! You can download it here or in JetBrains Toolbox App. If you have installed the previous PhpStorm 2018.1.5, please invoke the Check for updates action to receive the latest update.


This build fixes the issue with the Register action: IDEA-193747

Download PhpStorm 2018.1.6 build 181.5281.35 for your platform or click “Update” in your JetBrains Toolbox App and please do report any bugs and feature request to our Issue Tracker.

JetBrains PhpStorm Team
The Drive to Develop

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Phpstorm Free Version

No subsystemBugIDEA-207782Memory leak in gradle import process
Editor. Editing TextUsabilityIDEA-185682Parameter info hides the code being editing at the top of a file
External ToolsCosmeticsIDEA-184889External Tool named with an underscore does not display properly from project context menu
IndicesPerformanceIDEA-208533OutOfMemory when indexing a 2Gb project, 'Out of memory' window stuck forever
Task ManagementBugIDEA-205965Pivotal Tracker implementation uses the deprecated and shutdowned API
User Interface. NavigationUsabilityIDEA-204149Disable Search Everywhere from automatically inserting last query
DB ConnectivityUsabilityDBE-7799Data Sources and Drivers dialog: don't ask to download drivers if they were downloaded earlier and they are actual
DB ConsoleBugDBE-7896Datagrip notifications show raw HTML
DB IntrospectionBugDBE-7743Database: Error encountered when performing Introspect on a MariaDB schema
SQL Format and StyleFeatureDBE-2913SQL code style 'Comma Inside Indent'
FeatureDBE-7806MS SQL: Place each declared variables (inside a stored procedure) onto a new line
BugDBE-7376With clause code style gets broken when inside of a subquery
BugDBE-7362Sql formatter does not apply to injected language
BugDBE-4805SQL Reformatting creates error
BugDBE-7801Uncontrollable SQL alignment
BugDBE-7881Align assignments in ON CONFLICT (Postgres upsert)
BugDBE-7890PLPGSQL formatter adds a line break after PERFORM
BugDBE-6937improper formatting of postgresql arrays
BugDBE-7605Postgres: SQL formatter doesn't recognise 'into temp table'
SQL HighlightingBugDBE-7853False positive: 'Redundant character escape' for '_' in Postgres 'similar to'
No subsystemUsabilityWEB-37649Angular: not possible to overtype auto-inserted pair braces in interpolation
JavaScript. FrameworksBugWEB-37540Angular: auto close opened curly brackets automatically
TypeScriptBugWEB-36511Variables with construct signatures from libraries not shown in completion after `new` in case of multiple libs with same interface
Unit TestsBugWEB-37680Jest fails with 'Class constructor Spec cannot be invoked without 'new'