My Wordpress

  1. My Wordpress Site Is Down
  2. My Wordpress Website
  3. Starting A Blog With Wordpress
  1. To log in to a WordPress site, you will have to add /wp-admin at the end of the URL of your site. You can make it easier by bookmarking the page, adding a widget to your front page or menu. Try to use secure passwords, and be careful if using the Remember Me feature.
  2. Pick a new theme. The quickest way to make a dramatic change to your site is to change.


Introduction to HTTPS for WordPressIntroduction to HTTPS for WordPress

2 days ago  For more details, see our guide on how to backup and restore your WordPress site with UpdraftPlus. There’s a free version of the plugin available, but the paid plans offer you priority support and even more features. Multisite Language Switcher. Multisite Language Switcher adds multilanguage capabilities to your WordPress multisite network.

To have HTTPS, SSL Certificate is needed to be installed on the server.

Let’s Encrypt is a non-profit organization that provides free SSL certificates for everyone, as of Feb 2020 they have issued over 1 billion certificates. The easiest way to get a certificate is to use the EFF certbot tool, their site has complete instructions for installing and updating certificates for several different web servers and operating systems.

For local development, you can create a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL, however this has limited use since any certificate generated will not be trusted by others, so should only be used for private servers.

There is no extra or special settings needed specifically for WordPress at the web server level for HTTPS. WordPress by default is ready to use HTTPS URLs if the web server is properly configured.

The default port for HTTP URLs is port 80, the default port for HTTPS is port 443. These ports not to be opened through any network firewall. Apache includes a mod_ssl module that needs to be enabled and properly configured. If using certbot, it can automatically configure and create the VirtualHost settings needed.

Implementing HTTPS for WordPressImplementing HTTPS for WordPress

Apple music from iphone to mac. Deezer b. To implement HTTPS support on WordPress, you only need to set the WordPress and Site Address URL to use https://. You can install WordPress either using HTTP or HTTPS to start, both will work, and you can switch over later.

My Wordpress Site Is Down

Go to Settings > General and make sure that the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) is https. If not, add ‘S’ after http to make https and save it :

The Site health tools (Tools > Site health) will inform you that your website doesn’t use HTTPS.

Since version 5.7, WordPress can also automatically switch to HTTPS if an SSL certificate is already set up on your server.

Best Practices for HTTPS for WordPressBest Practices for HTTPS for WordPress

It is recommended for all production WordPress sites to use HTTPS.

  • Use a reputable web host, most provide HTTPS service as a standard.
  • Use a SSL Certificate from Let’s Encrypt, they are free and easy to use.
  • Serve Static Content from an SSL enabled CDN

You may need to redirect your HTTP traffic to your HTTPS site. For Apache, you can do so by creating two VirtualHost entries for example:

Bad Practices for HTTPS for WordPressBad Practices for HTTPS for WordPress

My Wordpress
  • Serving site from both HTTPS and HTTP urls, use HTTPS and redirect.
  • Using mixed content, ie. CSS, JS, or images served from HTTP on an HTTPS page

References and Useful LinksReferences and Useful Links


My Wordpress Website


Starting A Blog With Wordpress

  1. Let’s Encrypt and Certbot
  2. Apache Module mod_ssl – Official Apache Module Documentation
  3. Encrypting the Web (
  4. HTTPS as a ranking signal (Google)
  5. Best Practices Securing Your Site (Google)