
  1. Biff Byford
  2. Biff Loman
  3. What Does Biff Mean
  1. Biff is a construction worker on Sesame Street who speaks with a gruff New York accent. His partner is Sully. Biff first appeared in Season 4. 1 Filmography 1.1 Episodic appearances 2 Book appearances 3 See also 4 Sources Biff often asks for Sully's opinion, but interrupts him before Sully gets.
  2. BIFF stands for Brief, Informative, Friendly and Firm and can be used by anyone, in any situation but it does take practice. Learn how to write (or speak) using the BIFF Response method to help bring an angry exchange to a quick conclusion, without losing it yourself.
To screw up, wipe out, or otherwise make a mistake.
Guy #1: <falls off bike> OW! Shit, man!
Guy #2: Dude, you biffed!
Biff back to the future

The Boulder International Film Festival brings films and filmmakers from around the world to Boulder for a four-day celebration of the art of cinema. BIFF consistently features a wide variety of films from local, national, and international filmmakers, including many that have gone on to significant box-office success and multiple Oscar nominations.

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a northen term for cigarette, but can also be used to discribe a 'joint'
by loomer August 30, 2007
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Adjective used to describe someone who requires little intelligence for their job.
by jessemmott08 October 02, 2010
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v. To messsomething up, specifically a physical activity.
I was coming down the mountain on my snowboard when I biffed.
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Biff Byford

'When running on Woodward, Verbeek biffed pretty bad.'
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If you don't shut the hell up, I am going to biff you in the face.

Biff Loman

Get a Biff mug for your coworker Manley.

Apr 21 trending

What Does Biff Mean

  • 1. Watermelon Sugar
  • 2. Ghetto Spread
  • 3. Girls who eat carrots
  • 4. sorority squat
  • 5. Durk
  • 6. Momala
  • 7. knocking
  • 8. Dog shot
  • 9. sputnik
  • 10. guvy
  • 11. knockin'
  • 12. nuke the fridge
  • 13. obnoxion
  • 14. Eee-o eleven
  • 15. edward 40 hands
  • 16. heels up
  • 17. columbus
  • 18. ain't got
  • 19. UrbDic
  • 20. yak shaving
  • 21. Rush B Cyka Blyat
  • 22. Pimp Nails
  • 23. Backpedaling
  • 24. Anol
  • 25. got that
  • 26. by the way
  • 27. Wetter than an otter's pocket
  • 28. soy face
  • 29. TSIF
  • 30. georgia rose