Accept Or Continue

The Lord accept thy burnt sacrifice. To admit to a place or a group. The Boy Scouts were going to accept him as a member. To regard as proper, usual, true, or to believe in. I accept the fact that Christ lived. To receive as adequate or satisfactory. To receive or admit to; to agree to; to assent to; to submit to. In making a decision to accept or continue with a client, the auditor should consider: 61.

About Administrators

The person who completes the initial program enrollment also accepts the following Terms and Conditions on behalf of the enrolling organization:

To accept is to receive, and except is to exclude, usually.Both are busy little words skipping around to different meanings, but they never run into each other. To accept is to receive something like tea, an idea, or a student into your college. You have to respect their wishes, even if you leave an open offer or continue to check on them. If you are anxious, it may be a good idea to sit down and have an honest conversation with your friend. Express your concerns in a clear, non-confrontational manner and ask if anything is preventing them from accepting your support. Accept is a verb, and it means, most broadly, “to take or receive (something offered) or receive with approval or favor,” as in I accept this trophy. What does except mean? Except has a verb sense of “to exclude; leave out,” as in the phrase present company excepted.

  • Apple School Manager Agreement or Apple Business Manager Agreement
  • macOS Software License Agreement
  • iOS Software License Agreement
  • tvOS Software License Agreement

After completing enrollment, this person becomes the Administrator in Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager. In Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager, this person can also designate up to four more Administrators.

Accepting updated agreements

After Apple updates one of these agreements, any Apple School Manager Administrator or Apple Business Manager Administrator must sign in to the program website to accept any new agreements.

  • If you're an Administrator in Apple School Manager, sign in to
  • If you're an Administrator in Apple Business Manager, sign in to

If you don’t accept the agreements

Devices assigned to a Mobile Device Management (MDM) server in Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager won’t be affected. If you erase all content and settings on a device, the device is still assigned to the same MDM server, and the same settings are applied during setup.

However, these conditions apply until the new agreements are accepted:

  • Apple School Manager instructors and managers can reset user passwords and send or print login information, but other site functions will be disabled.
  • Apple Business Manager managers can reset user passwords and send or print login information, but other site functions will be disabled.
  • In Apple School Manager and Apple Business Manager, you can’t assign new devices to your MDM server, even if you have selected the option to automatically assign new purchases to a specific MDM server.
  • Your MDM server might report an error message like '403 T_C_NOT_SIGNED” when communicating with Apple’s device management servers.

About Administrators

The person who completes the initial program enrollment also accepts the following Terms and Conditions on behalf of the enrolling organization:

Accept Or Continue To Make

  • Apple School Manager Agreement or Apple Business Manager Agreement
  • macOS Software License Agreement
  • iOS Software License Agreement
  • tvOS Software License Agreement

After completing enrollment, this person becomes the Administrator in Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager. In Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager, this person can also designate up to four more Administrators.

Accepting updated agreements

Accept or continue something

After Apple updates one of these agreements, any Apple School Manager Administrator or Apple Business Manager Administrator must sign in to the program website to accept any new agreements.

Accept & Continue

  • If you're an Administrator in Apple School Manager, sign in to
  • If you're an Administrator in Apple Business Manager, sign in to

If you don’t accept the agreements

Accept Or Continue Quotes


Accept Or Continue To Work

Devices assigned to a Mobile Device Management (MDM) server in Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager won’t be affected. If you erase all content and settings on a device, the device is still assigned to the same MDM server, and the same settings are applied during setup.

Accept Or Continue Meaning

However, these conditions apply until the new agreements are accepted:

Accept Or Continue Meaning

  • Apple School Manager instructors and managers can reset user passwords and send or print login information, but other site functions will be disabled.
  • Apple Business Manager managers can reset user passwords and send or print login information, but other site functions will be disabled.
  • In Apple School Manager and Apple Business Manager, you can’t assign new devices to your MDM server, even if you have selected the option to automatically assign new purchases to a specific MDM server.
  • Your MDM server might report an error message like '403 T_C_NOT_SIGNED” when communicating with Apple’s device management servers.